Welcome to the latest edition of New in Digital; your guide to the latest thinking and practical insights on how to organise and lead digital transformation so that your organisation and you are equipped to thrive. Watch out for the podcast series episodes of ‘Leading Digital Transformation’ plus an excellent podcast from AgileThought on the role of the Product Owner in Scrum. You’ll also find video of John Hagel speaking about platform ecosystems and the creation of learning organisations.
Innovation is not about ideas!
Andrew Binns
One of the fondest wishes of a CEO is to create innovation culture. They aspire to lead a vibrant organization, capable of beating the odds of disruption by learning and adapting to a changing world.
Platforms & Ecosystems
John Hagel
In his presentation to the Singularity University Global Summit 2019, John Hagel explores how platforms and ecosystems can help to drive exponential learning.
Anticipatory organisations and the science of disruption: An interview with Daniel Burrus
Leading Digital Transformation Podcast: Daniel Burrus
In this episode, Rob is by joined Daniel Burrus, futurist, keynote speaker and author of 6 best selling books. During the course of 3 decades, Daniel has established a worldwide reputation for accurately predicting the future of technological change and its impact on the world of business. He has helped hundreds of clients identify game-changing opportunities and develop successful competitive business strategies based on his Hard Trend methodology and Anticipatory Organization Model which he presents in his latest book “The Anticipatory Organization”.
Disruption mindset – an interview with Charlene Li
Leading Digital Transformation Podcast: Charlene Li
In this episode, Rob is joined by Charlene Li, author and Founder of Altimeter the leading research and advisory business that helps leaders leverage disruptive technologies and thrive as both business and society learn to navigate seismic change.
Updating the Ulrich (conceptual/outcomes) Model – part 1
Jon Ingham
During the last month, I’ve been reviewing new organisation models and have shown how the four main organisation forms – the traditional ones (vertical functions and horizontal teams) and newer, people-centred ones (communities and networks of performance) relate to each other.
Digital transformation: Improving the odds of success
Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Deakin, and Barbara O’Beirne
For established companies, the pressure to digitize business models and products has reached new intensity
Choosing The Right Champions: How ONA Conquers The Change Adoption Trap
Francisco Marin Mayer
“The influence of top informal leaders is 40% greater than the average influence of formal leaders. By positioning informal leaders as early adopters of strategic changes, executive teams can mitigate the risks that make up the change adoption trap”
Digital Transformation: A Sense of Urgency Among Executives is a Common Missing Link
Brian Solis
Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword. It’s more than just going digital or migrating to the cloud or adopting the next shiny object at scale. It’s also about modernization.
Layers of Change, a new perspective on change management: An Interview with Andrew Ward
Leading Digital Transformation Podcast: Andrew Ward
With many years’ experience in CX, design thinking and digital transformation, it has become clear to Andrew and his colleagues that in order to orchestrate change it is important that the messaging takes into account the disciplines and perspectives of all those involved in enabling and touched by the change. This way by finding a common language and understanding, full alignment and engagement can be achieved.
Adaptive Leadership Teams
Karen Ferris
In this series, I am exploring Adaptive Leadership Teams. Leadership is a team effort. Everyone has to lead and be adaptive. The concept of Total Football encapsulates the concept of adaptive leadership teams.
The beating heart of Southwest Airlines’ culture
Hilton Barbour
For anyone who lives or works in the Culture or even Challenger brand space, Southwest Airlines has certainly attained that mythical hero status. Like Zappos, Four Seasons, Virgin, Southwest Airlines quickly rises to the top of a very short list that any 1st year MBA or 40-year executive veteran can cite as organizations that have steadfastly proven that a focus on organizational Culture can return sustainable business growth and success.
How to create great teams
Alessandro Rimassa
People who lead businesses have one challenge only: create great teams to achieve the objectives that a company today has, like… growth-growth-growth, change-change-change, innovate-innovate-innovate.
HR Goes Beyond Culture to Organization Reinvention
Dave Ulrich
In their book Reinventing The Organization, Arthur Yeung and Dave Ulrich propose that in today’s world of incredible change, leaders need to reinvent their organizations to become ever-more responsive to dynamic market opportunities. They have defined a new organizational form called the market-oriented ecosystem (MOE) that addresses this broader reinvention need.
Why a change in our attitude towards learning is necessary
Neil Perkin
Do we learn more from our successes or our failures? Neil Perkin Founder of Only Dead Fish gives his take on this subject and why he believes a change in our attitude towards learning is necessary.
Global Retail Shrink 2019 and the future of loss prevention
Tony D’Onofrio
The continued renaissance of the global retail industry will require increased innovation to protect employees, customers, and products. Traditional security solutions that typically increase friction to deter theft are counter to the new digitally empowered consumer that progressively wants to just scan and go.
The Future of Retail Part 1 – Retail Reinvented
Jonathan Hilton
If our retail habits have changed forever, what are the opportunities for retailers to ‘fight back’?
Behavioural archetypes instead of personas
Radina Doneva
In a customer-centricity project, the output is a strategy to show the way forward and the customer experience design is informing how to get there. This kind of project requires a different type of personas — we call them behavioural archetypes.
Artificial intelligence and the heartfelt business of empathy: An interview with Minter Dial
Leading Digital Transformation Podcast: Minter Dial
“I was one of the few that were selected to spend five days interacting 24/7 with an empathic bot. And it was an extraordinary experience and it made me understand just how friendly I felt with regard to the bot and how the bot I felt was understanding of me, sometimes more so than some of the people I know around me.”
Why AI is the Most Hyped Technology of Our Time
Dr Jeffrey Funk
Consultants have made hugely wild forecasts for AI that are based more on their desire to provide consulting services than to illuminate the challenges of AI and the changes it might bring to industries. One forecast is for $15.7 trillion in economic gains by 2030, a figure only slightly smaller than America’s current GNP.
Podcast Ep. 43: The Importance of the Product Owner Role in Scrum with Sam Falco
Dan Neumann
In this episode of the “Agile Coaches’ Corner” podcast, Dan Neumann is joined by AgileThought colleague, Sam Falco, to take a look at the Product Owner role in Scrum. The Product Owner role gets overlooked in a lot of discussions around Scrum—yet, they’re one of the most important, complex and crucial roles. They’re the visionary behind the product. Primarily, their responsibility to the Scrum team is to maximize the value of what the development team creates.
THE Evolving Role of CHRO Leaders into the Digital Age
Ellie Filler
An interesting HBR article worth sharing (see link at bottom). There is no longer any argument about the huge pull effect that technology has created. But tools are only tools until the right context is created for their positive impact. For Talent Management to have a REAL sustainable impact there are a number of critical criteria which are directly linked to executive leadership and the CHRO function which is accountable for Talent & Culture delivery enablement.
“The easiest thing is to react. The second easiest thing is to respond. But the hardest thing is to initiate.”
~ Seth Godin
The Top 20 Business Transformations
Scott D. Anthony, Alasdair Trotter, Evan I. Schwartz
In 2012, Denmark’s biggest energy company, Danish Oil and Natural Gas, slid into financial crisis as the price of natural gas was plunging by 90% and S&P downgraded its credit rating to negative. The board hired a former executive at LEGO, Henrik Poulsen, as the new CEO. Whereas some leaders might have gone into crisis-management mode, laying off workers until prices recovered, Poulsen recognized the moment as an opportunity for fundamental change.
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