How hiring a Fractional Chief Transformation Officer (CTrO) can lead to better outcomes

The executive sponsor overseeing a transformation initiative is typically a senior leader who is rich in functional experience yet time-poor. This means the amount of time they can commit to any of the initiatives they are sponsoring is limited and this itself can create risk.

One solution to this challenge is a fractional Chief Transformation Oficer (CTrO), a senior executive hired part-time to provide expertise and guidance on transformation projects. They operate as the eyes and ears of the executive sponsor; they bridge the gap between the initiative and the executive sponsor and work as an extension of them to ensure the agreed outcome.

Why an executive sponsor should consider engaging a fractional CTrO or transformation advisor:

▶️ Expertise: Fractional CTrOs bring a deep understanding of transformation principles and practices. They offer experience leading and managing transformations across various business domains and technologies. This expertise can be invaluable to an executive sponsor leading a transformation for the first time, facing complex challenges, or the initiative is time-sensitive.

▶️ Guidance: Fractional CTrOs provide executive sponsors guidance and support throughout the transformation process. They can help executive sponsors develop a transformation strategy, identify and manage risks, and make informed decisions. This guidance can help executive sponsors to avoid common pitfalls and increase their chances of success.

▶️ Objectivity: Fractional CTrOs provide an objective perspective on transformation initiatives and workstreams. They need to be beholden to the organisation’s culture or politics. This objectivity can be helpful for executive sponsors who are facing challenges from within their organisation.

▶️ Flexibility: Fractional CTrOs can be engaged part-time, giving executive sponsors flexibility in cost and commitment. This can be beneficial for organisations that are on a tight budget or are unsure how long they will need the services of a CTrO.

The overall benefits of hiring an experienced fractional CTrO can be substantial;  with the expertise, guidance, objectivity, and flexibility they bring, executive sponsors who work with them can de-risk their transformation initiatives and expect better outcomes.

For more information on how fractional CTrO, will drive exceptional transformation performance particularly when paired with an outcome-based approach to fees, please arrange a conversation.

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