Digital Transformation, it’s never Utopian. Any experienced digital transformation leader must know it well. Just for a minute imagine if your plan could go spectacularly wrong. What would that look like? It is good practice to have a framework to think about the worse possible consequences. It is important to think through how things could go terribly wrong, even if you have the best intentions. That is the mark of a leader who is wise.
Because it is way easier for things to go wrong than it is to go right.
Digital Transformation, I am not interested, thanks!
If you are not interested in learning new skills, that is the end of it. Simple as that! Digital transformation is about people. People play the key role in the success and/or failure of their digital transformation programs. Even if the Digital Transformation program is strategised, planned, and resourced correctly, it is up to people to learn a new way of thinking, planning and working. Eventually, there is only so much that an enterprise change program can offer. And if you are not interested, it is partially your fault that your job is disappearing.
No wonder that Artificial Intelligence and Automation are the hot topics.
Digital Transformation, you make it or break it.
The moment you stop changing your enterprise, your enterprise starts changing you and your people! There is no guarantee that every change is successful but in today’s economy not making changes holds the highest level of risk, the risk of extinction.
What is required to not only stay in business but also thrive to become a leader?
Digital Transformation, process-driven and data-driven
What do your customers want from you?
- service, quality and efficiency.
How do you ensure that the customer experience that you are offering to your customers is efficient and at the right level of quality?
- using data to make decisions, creating and offering personalised and quality services efficiently.
How do you know that your data is reliable?
- building processes that are concerned with (near to) real-time data gathering, cleansing and processing.
In my experience, an organisation needs to be process driven to become data driven to be able to offer a good customer experience.
And it takes time and effort.
Digital Transformation, Say No
Your digital transformation program is not anywhere close to achieving its initial goals and objectives! Something is wrong. Can you say “no”? Can you say no to
- bad ideas?
- bad decisions?
- bad plans?
- something or someone that you’ve said “yes” earlier?
- low performance teams?
How far do you continue once you realised that it was a bad idea, bad decision, bad plan, bad promise or weak team?
What would be your criteria for continual assessment and realignment?
Do you try to make it work at any price? Or you are prepared to pull the plug when there is a very little chance of success?
Do you think it’s embarrassing to cancel a project that has gone wrong? The art and skill of saying no is a vital capability of a good change maker.
To be successful, the change maker must be able to confront the situations and make decisions that are not easy, pleasant, and comfortable.
What are your thoughts on each subject?
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