News in Digital from The Digital Transformation People Issue #10

Something for the New Year?
How about some qualified and interesting predictions for 2018 without the hyperbole, from Paul Willmott of Digital McKinsey. Let’s kick off the year with some credible insights and let him know if you agree @WillmottPaul
10 Predictions for Digital in 2018 


~ Tim Ellis, Founder, The Digital Transformation People


Accelerating the shift to a next-generation operating model
By Albert Bollard, Ewan Duncan, Petko Rangelov, and Marta Rohr
Digital-native companies have captured value by mastering the use of next-generation operating models. Now established companies must race to catch up.

Scaling Edges vs. Transforming Core
Ralph-Christian Ohr looks at some of the options corporates have for organising their innovation initiatives and future proofing themselves.

Before you go down the innovation lab route, answer these three questions
When considering innovation labs, there are some important questions for organisations to ask, says Tony Colon from Salesforce.


A Security Governance Handbook for the CISO and the CIO
By JC Gaillard, The Security Transformation Research Foundation
Offering a truly alternative view on how to organise and manage security in large firms and covering all key managerial aspects around information security – from the reporting line of the CISO to the role of the Board, and how to make it work in real life.


Real Agility…Not Fake Agile
Tom Mellor, Scrum Trainer and Agile Practices Coach & Consultant vents some frustration as he laments the sometimes lack of authenticity in “Agile”.

GDPR Compliance: What surprised me at Dreamforce 
So, what can companies do to prepare for the GDPR?
This is an excellent summary of the why, what and how from Guy Rubin, Founder of Ebsta.


Hiring a Change Success Manager Will Transform Your Business
By Braden Kelly
Just as technology companies have determined Customer Success Managers are critical to helping organisations adopt changes imposed by new technologies, there is now a case for a new role which Braden coins Change Success Manager and it could play an equally crucial role in the success of major change initiatives.

Change Agents aren’t Personas, they are Human
Paul Greenberg takes a look at Brian Solis’ “The Digital Change Agents Manifesto” which takes a deep dive into what and who digital change agents are, and some of the common challenges they face.


What is best practice pagination? And how does it create amazing online experiences 
Everything you need to know about pagination but were afraid to ask!
Fascinating and so important to get this right for the optimum online customer experience. Great piece from Greg Randall for eConsultancy.

Success is a good, honest brand.
By Phil Darby
Your brand has never been as critical to the survival of your business as it is now, and it will only become more so.  Honesty is the ONLY policy.


New Artificial Synapse Bridges the Gap to Brain-Like Computers
By Shelly Fan, Neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco
A glimpse of the future.
“As a neurophysiologist I find this fascinating. Immense processing power combined with massively reduced power consumption and the prospect of a biological interface”.

Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain
Kai Stinchcombe the ‘Unfuturist’ tries to find the value so far
in blockchain.



Leadership Lessons from General James Mattis USMC
By Roderic Yapp
Putting aside politics, what makes former US Marine Corps Officer and current US Defence Secretary, General James Mattis such a strong leader and role-model?

Is the era of management over?
Is it time we redefine the term “manager”, and question whether the idea of “management” as it was inherited from the industrial era, has actually outlived its usefulness?


Five Ways to jump the skills gap in IOT
IoT connectivity forms the bedrock of a range of emerging technologies including machine learning, robotics, 3D printing, AI, VR/AR and automation.
Yet the immaturity of the IoT industry is holding back adoption and a major factor is the shortage of relevant skills.

“Your greatest enemy in breaking new ground is proving to those who have benefitted from business as usual, that they can benefit again by investing in what’s next”
~ Brian Solis



Delivering Digital Transformation in Government
By Jack Perschke, Partner, Atos
Digitally transforming Government is hard…It can feel like an impossible job. Is it? Some practical advice from Jack Perschke on doing the impossible!


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