Welcome to ‘News in Digital’ #49 and Season’s Greetings from all of us at The Digital Transformation People!
It’s been a funny year but luckily with enabling technologies like Zoom and some incredibly hard work by some great organisations and people out there it really does feel like we are all in this together. There is a highly engaged community who are pushing the boundaries and showing resilience that has accelerated learning and digital transformation beyond what any of us could have imagined just a year ago.
There is also good news and some signs that we are turning a corner to take collective responsibility and make the world a better a place as you’ll see with the first two articles.
So, roll on the end of Covid 19, stay safe and have a very Happy Christmas and let’s look forward to better times ahead in 2021.
Best wishes,
Tim Ellis, CEO and Founder
Reasons to be cheerful!
Could Gen Z Consumer Behavior Make Capitalism More Ethical?
One of the strengths of the free market is that the freedom itself provides the tools to fix what is broken. And nowhere do we see that happening more than with the way individual young people are using their free will as consumers to force the world’s biggest businesses to behave more ethically.
The way Gen Z they use their purchasing power to demand more moral business practices and sustainable production is a driving force behind what some are calling Regenerative Capitalism. And as this article points out that, as Gen Z gets older and accumulates savings, the same spirit is bound to transform into ethical investing as well.
From Harvard Business Review – thank you to Rahmyn for this one
5 Drivers behind the sustainable investing shift
“Great news that should give us hope: #sustainable #investing is breaking records. According to a study by Raconteur, estimated net money flows towards values driven #ESG ventures reached $20.9 billion in the first six months of 2020 – nearly equal to the amount of new money invested in all of 2019.
Particularly encouraging: 70% of all #Millennials are “very interested” in investing with a purpose beyond just making returns, and it’s #institutionalinvestors that are leading the pack, by far.”
By Iman Ghosh of the Visual Capitalist
Thank you Roland Deiser for this one
And Some Predictions For 2021
From the inimitable Professor Scott Galloway
The ‘Future of Work’ has arrived: 12 Predictions for HR in 2021
“As he invariably does, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella captured perfectly one of the most significant impacts of the pandemic, when he declared that” “We have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” Indeed, the crisis has arguably fast-forwarded the ‘future of work’ by five or ten years. There is no going back. The era of hybrid work is well and truly here.”
If you are interested in the future of work look no further than David Green People Analytics leader | Director, Insight222 & myHRfuture.com | Conference speaker | Host, Digital HR Leaders Podcast with his predictions for 2021
By David Green
Strategy & Business Model Design
The State of The Platform Revolution 2021
Best-selling co-author of the seminal book ‘Platform Revolution’ Sangeet Paul Choudary shares a 90 page report on the state of play in the platform revolution which with Covid 19 has accelerated still further the growth of this new phenomena epitomized by the success of Amazon and others.
How to transform your business for the digital economy
If you’d like some practical guidance on how to leverage platform models here’s a great piece from Simon Torrance: Ecosystem mapping and design: how to re-conceive your role in your market, to leverage the assets and expertise of third parties to serve your customers in attractive new ways.
An interview with Sue Unerman, Chief Transformation Office at MediaCom
If you get a chance over the Christmas holiday watch this gem from Neil Perkin author of ‘Building The Agile Business ‘and ‘Agile Transformation’ as he speaks with Sue Unerman in this Google Firestarters video chat. It’s funny and insightful with some fascinating thoughts on implementing agile processes and the hugely positive impact it had on productivity. It also gets real on the subject of diversity and inclusion as Sue recounts how she’s dealt experiences in the past that have shaped her into the passionate and modern leader we need.
Don’t get blinded by your blind spots
“Most breakdowns in workplace interactions are caused not by bad intentions but rather by a lack of leaders’ awareness of the impact of their behaviours on people in their organization, whether it’s a project team, a business unit, or a large corporation. Given these turbulent times, leadership self-awareness is especially important.”
From Harvard Business Review
Customer Experience
CX Teams: Who, What, Where, How many and how much?
By Annette Franz
And if you like this from Annette take a look at her web site for lots great resources on customer experience
“What skills do you actually need to become more innovative and how do you create an environment where the chances of success are increased?”
Dynamic innovation portfolio management
With the ever and increasing uncertainty presented by Covid-19 organisations are under increasing pressure focus their attention speed and accuracy of innovation portfolio decision-making and to reset their innovation aspirations to match today’s highly uncertain, rapidly changing marketplace.
The 2×8 most popular Innov8rs sessions in 2020
A veritable treasure trove on interviews and insights from some of the world leading thinkers on all things innovation.
A great job and thank you Innov8rs and Hans Balmaekers for your excellent work.
The Misplaced Idolatry of Strategy
I agree with Hilton Barbour that ‘Good Strategy/Bad Strategy’ by Richard Rumelt is an all-time classic on the subject of strategy but without the ability to execute even a great strategy may be little more that wishful thinking. As Hilton says in the end it’s ‘all about humans’.
How do you think about organisational culture?
A question posed by Dr Richard Claydon recently .. join the discussion on LinkedIn and enrich your understanding of organisational #culture and its various dimensions. If you’re interested in this you may be interested to try out the EQ Lab an Extended Intelligence Laboratory that connects you with innovative thinkers from around the world.
Try a session: https://www.eqlab.co/sessions
Emerging Architectures for Modern Data Infrastructure
A great tech-agnostic article on modern data architectures.
From Andreessen Horrowitz – thank you Jon Boxall for this one
“The future of automation is autonomous. The autonomous applications of tomorrow will require the three functions of autonomy (cognition, intelligence and control) to integrate in a closed loop increasingly in industrial real-time. This is what the #5G autonomous edge is about.”
From Leonard Lee and Dean Freeman
The machine as an extension of the body
A new study discusses the key challenges of the fusion between neuroscience and robotics.
From Neuroscience News
Please remember there are many more resources on The Digital Transformation People for you to enjoy. Including the Leading Digital podcast series and the excellent executive briefing book summaries prepared for you by our very own Neil Rainey.
To get help with any of these topics contact us and we’ll connect you with the knowledge, talent and specialist service providers in our network who can help you.
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~ Tim Ellis, CEO and Founder
The Digital Transformation People
And finally, if you have time on your hands why not use it to become a Certified Digital Transformation Leader with this excellent course by Rob Llewellyn. |
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