Many organisations today find themselves too large, too complex with layers of process and procedure, ‘the way we’ve always done things’ engrained, calcified and almost impossible to change at scale. To increase the chances of success of their digital transformations these organisations must rethink how they lead and organise themselves if they are to emerge better equipped to survive in the new digital landscape in which we all find ourselves. We start this edition with a podcast featuring author James Macaulay who shares some insights on how to lead and orchestrate for digital transformation success.
Cracking the code of Digital Transformation
In this podcast, Connected Futures executive editor Kevin Delaney speaks with James Macaulay, co-author of Digital Vortex who explains why the failure rate of digital transformations is so high. He goes on to outline how to dramatically improve your chances of success by adopting a synergistic and orchestrated approach described in his new book Orchestrating Transformation co-authored with Michael Wade, Andy Noronha and Joel Barbier. A fascinating must listen for any executive involved in digital transformation at scale. Listen and read the full transcript below.
A practical model for distributed digital leadership
By Lee Bryant
A key hindrance to digital transformation efforts is antiquated organisational structures and for this reason, argues Lee Bryant the most important priority for any leader today is to re-architect the organisation so that it is fit for purpose.
FAQ 14: What makes a terrible Digital Transformation leader?
By Lindsay Herbert
Lindsay Herbert, author of ‘Digital Transformation’ continues her series answering frequently asked questions on the subject of digital transformation. Here Lindsay answers the question, “What makes a terrible Digital Transformation leader?”
What Management Needs to Become in an Era of Ecosystems
By Richard Straub
The business world can’t stop talking about ecosystems and while most of the focus has been on macroeconomic implications what gets less attention is what this era of ecosystems means for the practice of management.
Accelerating digital innovation inside and out
The fifth annual MIT SMR and Deloitte study of digital business reveals digitally mature organizations don’t just innovate more, they innovate differently—leveraging ecosystems and cross-functional teams that play critical roles. Thanks to Emily Ellis for spotting this one!
3 Disciplines of Disruptive Innovation
By Andy Binns
“Leading disruptive innovation means knowing how to Ideate, Incubate, and Scale new businesses. Read about how to do this in a new blog from Change Logic’s Andrew Binns–a summary of his recent article in the California Management Review with Professor Charles O’Reilly”
Thanks to Dr Ralph Christian Orr for this one.
Why Most Corporate Innovation Programs Fail (And How To Make Them Succeed)
By Greg Satell
“The real potential of innovation programs is that they provide a space to explore areas that don’t fit with the current business, but may play an important role in its future”.
Part 4: The agility challenge
By Roland Deiser
Cross-functional collaboration is key to success for digital transformation and Rather than fighting for one’s own perspective, leaders must leverage the dynamics resulting from the difference that constitute boundaries.
In this context, it is important to distinguish three dimensions of agility.
The Journey To An Agile Organisation
Moving to an agile operating model is tough, especially for established companies. There are several paths to agility and many different starting points, yet successful agile transformations all share the common elements described in this paper.
The Six Domains of Agility: Cultivating High-Performance Agile Organisations
By Karim Harbott
Karim Harbott brings an experienced practitioners view, and why the ability to see the bigger picture is critical to the success of Agile transformation initiatives.
Using collective intelligence to prevent catastrophic business meltdowns
By Rod Collins
Catastrophic meltdowns can happen between unrelated parties or among different areas within organizations. Understanding how to avoid them can literally save millions of dollars, as Rod Collins learned when he encountered such an issue in the early ‘naughties’.
12 simple tips to hack the challenge of digital transformation
By Bernardo Crespo Velasco
If only taking on a digital transformation consultant was the answer to your prayers. Whilst they can help, at the end of the day it’s down to you but here are 12 simple tips from Bernardo Crespo Velasco that will help you.
Visualizing The Supermarket of the Future
By Tony D’Onofrio
Tony D’Onofrio visits one of his favorite stores in the world, retail masterpiece Dorothy Lane Market (DLM) in Dayton, Ohio and shares in pictures and memories the future of the supermarket experience.
Meet the missing ingredient in successful sales transformations: Science
Data and analytics, combined with a personalized approach to performance management, are helping sales execs inculcate best practices and significantly improve growth.’
15 Incredible Tools You Never Thought You Needed
By Larry Kim
There are so many tools available to marketers these days but it can become a little overwhelming and the best tools can get lost in the mix so Larry Kim shares his pick of the best.
We Analyzed 912 Million Blog Posts. Here’s What We Learned About Content Marketing
By Brian Dean
With 912 million blog posts analysed and some help from data partner Buzzsumo Brian Dean from Backlinko shares what’s working in content marketing right now.
Transparency in supply chains and blockchain: What’s the most common trap?
By Bertrand Maltaverne
“Is Blockchain coming of age in 2019? Judging by the first half of 2019, it seems that the blockchain hype is finally deflating and there is an overall consensus that it will not save the world (at least not this year…).”
Amazon wants to use AI to recommend you clothing — again
Can Amazon make an impact with StyleSnap, it’s latest attempt to use machine learning to peddle fashion – one of the few remaining areas it has yet to dominate?
Key Findings: The Gains from Work Automation
By John Boudreau
It’s well understood that automation will revolutionize work, and that the effects of automation will not be as simple as replacing the human workers in a job.” – John Boudreau “Instead, work will be “perpetually upgraded,” as automation steadily changes how the underlying tasks in a job are accomplished.” Thanks to Jaco Minnaar for sharing this one.
Inspiration from the animal kingdom…which is your favourite?
Thank you to Anthony J James for sharing this post.
Here’s What You Really Need To Know About Quantum Computing
By Greg Satell
“The quantum era will open up new worlds of possibility, enabling us to manage almost unthinkable complexity and reshape the physical world.”
KPMG reveals its top 10 transformational technologies
By Andrew Ross
KPMG reveals its findings from the 2019 Technology Industry Innovation Survey, with responses from over 740 technology industry leaders across 12 countries.
“The first follower is what turns a lone nut into a leader.”
— Derek Sivers
Keynote: Creating a Sustainable Digital Workplace in the Exponential Era
By Dion Hinchcliffe
Dion Hinchcliffe Bringing you right up to speed with how to create a sustainable digital workplace from Dion Hinchcliffe an expert in information technology, business strategy, and next-generation enterprises. He is currently VP and Principal Analyst at Constellation Research as well as Chief Strategy Officer at 7Summits.
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