Dion Hinchcliffe sums up where we are today with digital transformation when he says “We almost universally know now we must adapt to the digital future, to change and grow. But how best to do it remains the top question”. We’re also seeing an increase in requests for frameworks, templates and real-life lessons from people who know how. So in this edition, we bring you the much-praised how to guide for digital transformation in our exclusive Executive Summary of Lindsay Herbert’s acclaimed book Digital Transformation. In it, Neil Rainey has teased out the wisdom of many successful digital transformations to share with you Lindsay’s BUILD model of how to deliver digital transformation success in five stages. Please enjoy this and many other expert contributions with our compliments.
Digital Transformation by Lindsay Herbert: An Executive Summary
Four Strategic Frameworks for Digital Transformation
By Dion Hinchcliffe
“We almost universally know now we must adapt to the digital future, to change and grow. But how best to do it remains the top question” More and more people these days are asking for frameworks they can use for digital transformation. So here, based on his work advising and/or leading digital transformation over many years are four key frameworks developed and refined by Dion Hinchcliffe built out of repeated use and validation in organizations around the world.
The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures
By Gary P. Pisano
Innovative cultures are desirable and the practices that lead to them appear to be universally loved so why are they so tricky to implement? The answer it seems is that easy-to-like behaviours that get so much attention are only one side of the coin. They must be counterbalanced by some tougher and frankly less fun behaviours.
Digital Transformation Is Maturing. Are You In Step With Competition?
By Tina Mulqueen
Key findings from Altimeter’s State of Digital Transformation 2018-2019 nicely summarised in this article by Tina Mulqueen.
Companies Have A New Skill To Master – Innovation
By Abidali Neemuchwala
Companies do not only need to think about incorporating the latest technology into their business, but they must also re-engineer their entire process of innovation. So how do you develop this capability?
The 12 Stages Of The Agile Transformation Journey
By Steve Denning
Most large firms today are not agile, and yet more than 90% of executives see “agility and collaboration” as critical to their firm’s success. So, where to begin? Here’s an excellent piece by Steve Denning in which you’ll learn 12 steps to achieving agility.
How To Become A BS Detector And Evolve Your Culture
By Aga Bajer
“Cultural conditioning is a double-edged sword. It keeps us in synch, tells us what to do, makes things easier. But it also makes us complacent. And it turns us blind.”
How Do You Turn Around The Culture Of A 130,00 Company? Asks Satya Nadella
By Simone Stolzoff
“CULTURE CHANGE AT SCALE – Few organizations exemplify the positive impact of Culture on business success than Microsoft. Another sublime read on the leadership of Satya Nadella and the impact of growth mindset on the fortunes of MSFT. Kudos!!”
Thank you once again to Hilton Barbour for bringing this excellent article to our attention.
The Rise Of People Analytics
By Dave Green
Interest in and adoption of people analytics has surged in the last 18 months. For human resources discipline looking to assert itself people analytics give it the tools to demonstrate real business impact in the new world of work.
The Confluence Equation: How Content And Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success
By Lee Odden
This #b2bmarketing presentation given by Lee Odden on the intersection of #contentmarketing and #influencermarketing at the ITSMA Marketing Vision conference was so well received, he decided to try LinkedIn’s new PDF upload feature to share it on Linkedin. Please like and share if you do!
How Does Neil Patel Get 37k Views Per Blog Post?
Here Neil shares his perfect formula for writing blogs; “It works for B2c, B2b corporate and personal .. I kid you not it works for everything!”
Certainly worth a look at how he does it.
Part 1: A Journey To 100% Paid Digital Content
By Christopher Kerrisk
Why, when entering the digital age of news content have we only one consumer-facing payment option as the industry standard – the monthly subscription? Christopher Kerrisk takes us through what we can learn from the traditional print funnel to improve our conversion rates.
The Hidden Automation Agenda Of The Davos Elite
By Kevin Roose
How do you balance the race for efficiency and increased profit margins through automation with the needs of the workers? Or do you? A provocative piece by Kevin Roose.
World Economic Forum
“Google CEO Sundar Pichai says artificial intelligence will be more important than fire or electricity for humans – agree or disagree?”
Talent, Not Technology, Is The Key To Success In A Digital Future
By Scott Snyder
It’s all about people. Some insights from the forthcoming book Goliath’s Revenge: How Established Companies Turn the Tables on Digital Disruptors, by Todd Hewlin and Scott Snyder.
What Does Talent Mean For Innovation?
By Jean Luc Scherer
When the speed of change is such that you need to constantly reimagine your business you cannot continue dealing with talent search in a traditional way. You need to take risks, you need to takes chances at all levels, including rethinking boldly how your management teams should be setup. Do you agree?
Future Of Work: 5 Top Insights From Davos Experts
By Poppy Mphuthing
When it comes to translating technological innovations into real business results, technology is relatively easy to come by; it is talent that is often the limiting factor. Discover the six strategies companies can employ to ensure they have the people to accelerate digital innovation.
Who Owns Digital Transformation? Survey Says … CIOs
By Giselle Abramovich
A successful digital transformation is an enterprisewide effort that requires a leader with a broad view of the organization and the skills to foster executive buy-in which remains the biggest challenge according to new research from Altimeter.
Breaking Down The Six Pillars Of Digital Transformation From The CEO’s Perspective
By Daniel Newman
For success in digital transformation, the role of the CEO is pivotal. Culture and direction are set by the CEO and without proper engagement from your CEO your digital transformation may fail.
Getting The Best Out Of Your Team
By Simon Sinek
“Have you ever asked, “How do I get the most out of my team?” Sometimes a leader’s passion for their business can get in the way of being empathetic. There’s great advice from Simon Sinek on how to lead with empathy.” Thanks to James Osbourne for this one.
The Future Of Jobs Report
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution is interacting with other socio-economic and demographic factors to create a perfect storm of business model change in all industries, resulting in major disruptions to labour markets. New categories of jobs will emerge, partly or wholly displacing others. The skill sets required in both old and new occupations will change in most industries and transform how and where people work”. Download the full report here
Job Opportunities In Digital Transformation
If you’re seeking to advance your career in digital transformation sign up here and we’ll let you know as new opportunities arise across our network.
“To succeed in the businesses of the future, we have to become the very people we are trying to reach”
~ Brian Solis
How To Gain And Develop Digital Talent And Skills
As digital transformation disrupts the workplace, people, skills and talent will determine more than any other factors which companies are able to turn digital to their advantage. This classic piece from the BCG answers the who, where, how and what of how to gain and develop digital talent and skills.
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