With so much written about AI as the technology to accelerate transformation it is ironic that so much of our ability to extract value from it is dependent on how we manage and organise our own biological intelligence – people. It really is all about the people and you’ll find some some excellent articles here to explain and help you get it right .. unless of course you’re a complete chimp which case you’ll need some chums and a typewriter to help find the answer 😉
~ Tim Ellis, CEO and Founder
The Digital Transformation People
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CogX 2018 – The Journey So Far
From the man who needs no introduction, Hermann Hauser explains where AI and Robotics are in comparison to their biological counterparts. Worth a watch if only to marvel at the latest on robotic mobility from Boston Dynamics.
Innovation Is Not an Accident; It Is a Well-Thought-Out Strategy
By Mukesh Goswami
Sometimes innovation can seem quite chaotic but to create a pipeline of real value a systematic approach can yield the best results.
How CIOs can reinvent IT with ITaaS
By Philippe Abdoulaya
“To help their business grow and prosper in the digital economy, CIOs must reinvent their IT with ITaaS. The widely spread notion that cloud solutions on their own will make IT organizations agile and boost business growth is an intellectual swindle which not only keeps them in the now outdated role of IT tools provider, but also widens the gap between the business and IT.”
Kanban-ing Your Scrum
“Scrum.org announced the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams in February 2018. Optimization of the flow of value is improved by the implementation of work in progress limits. The results are dramatic.”
John Coleman explains.
AI: Buy it or Build it?
Accenture’s Fernando Lucini, Managing Director, AI Lead and Syed Hussain, Manager, presenting an efficient model to help you decide whether you should buy or build your own AI. Common sense really but they do it so well. Courtesy of the excellent CogX.
Bridging the Digital Skills Gap in the Digital Workplace
Lee Bryant of Post*Shift explains how a move to a service-centric rather than process-centric organisation can deliver the continual learning mindset required to deliver continuous improvement and agility right across the enterprise. Read this and then read it again …brilliant article!
Why People Analytics isn’t Delivering on its Promised Value
By Max Blumberg and Erik van Vulpen
Just 2% of organizations have reached a high level of People Analytics maturity. The rest are missing the powerful benefits of this emerging discipline as they fail to see it’s value beyond reporting.
Company Culture: Is it killing your Digital Transformation?
By Al Morris, This is Milk
“Research from Boston Consulting Group found that 79% of companies tested that addressed culture change sustained strong performance, this compared to 0% for those that neglected culture change”. Are you getting the culture bit right?
The DNA Behind the World’s Most Successful Content
A good overview from Buzzsumo and LinkedIn to help you get your content marketing right.
AI Marketing: What does the future hold?
“AI marketing is the next big thing. It will shift brands away from marketing automation toward personalized experiences (finally!)” ~ Brian Solis
These 4 Tech Trends Are Driving Us Toward Food Abundance
A nice piece by Peter H. Diamandis, MD on how technology is moving us to a world of food abundance.
What the Carrefour deal tells us about Google’s grocery ambitions
Google’s play in the grocery scene is one of digital-enablement partner unlike Amazon who with skin in the game look more like a competitor.
World Cup 2018: Can Big Data Analytics Save Germany’s Tournament?
Fascinating read by Steve McCaskill for Forbes on how big data analytics can give real insights and a competitive advantage in sport. But will it be enough for Germany to lift the World cup for a 5th time in 2018? ….. Oops!
Why HR Must Transform Talent Acquisition for the Digital Age
By Sarah Duggan of Konexus Consulting
To quote Jim Collins, author of ‘Good To Great’; “Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”
Leaders Focus Too Much on Changing Policies, and Not Enough on Changing Minds
By Tony Schwartz
With 75% of transformation initiatives failing, corporate are waking up to the importance of mindset as the key ingredient that is required for success.
In A Digital Age is it Sunrise or Sunset For Leadership?
By Peter Syme
Is it time for a new guard? Maybe so, but I suspect many who appear “old guard” on paper possess all the qualities required of the new guard with the benefit of experience too. What do you think?
Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce back Tact.ai to take the friction out of sales
When Amazon, Microsoft and Salesforce all choose to invest in a conversational computing startup you know they must be onto something. Another great piece from
Diginomica’s Phil Wainewright.
Wise words from The Family Guy
“Put enough monkeys on a typewriter and they will produce Shakespeare.”
The Elusive Mystique Of The Digital Enterprise
By Joe McKendrick
Recommended by Philippe Abdoulaye and written in 2015, not much has changed. Great paragraph about Peter Drucker and his prescient thinking predicting the need for digital transformation – 30 years ago!
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