There have been many articles, views and explanations around the “failure” on inefficiencies of business and technology transformations, but if these type of transformational programs are not fully delivering the organisational goals, why are there still so many organisations that are going through a:
- Technology Transformation, supported by an ERP or cloud service to optimise their application landscape,
- Shared Services, Centres of Excellence or Business Process Outsourcing engagements to simplify, harmonise and optimise their back-office environment
- Operational Excellence to create a continuous optimisation program across the organisation to drive end-to-end operational effectiveness and cost reductions
Although these programs have been proven to provide savings, scale-of-economies and efficiencies, the current rapid global development of new and improved businesses require a more radical approach. In my article, I have tried to provide insight how organisations are able to transition to a more effective growth, cost savings and profitability increase model, Operational Innovation, which is focussed to continuously align with your organisational goals and targets.
Why to transition towards Operational Innovation:
- Higher and measurable transformational success rates,
- Better alignment between organisational goals and innovative solution delivery,
- Higher employee engagement and performance culture,
- Ability for continuous solution adaption,
- Reduced implementation risks,
- Lower investment costs, resulting in higher ROI’s
Operational Innovation introduces “radical” changes, but how radical are these changes, if your transformation and operational excellence efforts continuously miss their targets and don’t deliver the desired results?
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