The Internet, mobile and social media have forever transformed the distribution of viral messaging. No longer the best kept secret, at the center of successful communication is the medium of video.
82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter. More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day. Ten million videos are watched on Snapchat per day. Over 500 million (half a BILLION) people are watching video on Facebook every day. The Top 10 YouTube stars of 2017 generated over $110 million in personal pre-tax income. Every second, a million minutes (17,000 hours) of video content will cross global IP networks by 2021.
Having a passion for powerful visual communications, weekly through my personal website I share one to three new videos. As we enter the fourth quarter, it is time to showcase my 2018 top five amazing innovation leadership videos.
Five Technologies Changing Shopping Malls Forever
From facial recognition to autonomous stores, Futurism provides a quick peak at the future retail mall.
Tony D’Onofrio Predicts the Future of Retail
Really enjoyed this video interview with Gus Downing from D&D Daily. We start with my assessment of the three megatrends that are shaping the future of retail.
The Humorous Danger of Your Future Smart Home
From the Norway retailer Rema 1000, I really enjoyed this video – a take on the potential challenges of a smart home. Simplicity is indeed king.
Top 20’s 2018 Technology Trends Report
Good fast paced set of innovation trends in this video from @trendhunter. Are you ready for Fast Fad Lifestyles?
What will the Future Really Look Like?
From the World Economic Forum, global leaders share their innovation views. As Jack Ma from Alibaba said, reminds us the world has changed, we can never ever go back to yesterday.
And a special fun bonus Number Six, a 2018 Cannes Lions award-winning and my favourite ad to date. From Procter & Gamble, it’s a Tide ad.
The above visual masterpieces are a reminder that this is the age to disrupt or be disrupted. Looking forward to more amazing video leadership innovation for the rest of 2018 and into 2019.
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