Humanizing Digital: How CMO’s Put A Face to Their Products

In our latest GDS Video Snack, Shawna Ryan, Editor at Meet The Boss TV, asks experts in digital marketing how they see beyond the latest technology and ask the right questions to get to know the customer better, and therefore market to them more effectively.



Tim Leake, SVP / Growth & Innovation, RPA:

How did it make people feel? That’s a great question”.

Lisa Arthur, CMO & Author; Former CMO of Teradata Applications:

We call it B to C marketing – business to consumer. Or B to B but really it’s people to people”.

In the digital realm there are so many options to reach a target audience, literally thousands of things that can be done to communicate your message through technology. We asked market leaders at the GDS International CMO Digital Summit in Austin, Texas what’s the one question senior level executives might not be asking when planning their strategies.

Tim Leake:

“How does it make people feel? That’s a question I don’t think enough brand marketers are asking themselves and it’s vital”

Lisa Arthur:

If we in marketing start putting those people first and what’s important to them and then start aligning our marketing strategy it will totally revolutionize the way brands and people interact”.

Tim Leake:

“If you think about how people actually interact with technology, if you think about the humanity, it helps marketers figure out what to do with that technology, because you can get stats that say that X percent of people clicked on this banner, for instance, but we don’t know why. How does it make them feel, because we can make it stronger if we understand that, and then play into that? If you just know that the red one outperformed the blue one, we didn’t really learn about what motivated people, we just got a report back”.


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