More news, views and how to’s from the world of Digital Transformation. Like anything worth doing it’s not always easy, so if you’re fast approaching the trough of disillusionment, or as Frank Mattes says “the valley of death” then read on for you’ll certainly find some inspiration here. If you need more than inspiration then please get in touch and we’ll connect you with the talent and expertise you need to help you get the job done.
Scaling Up: The FrameWork
By Frank Mattes
Discover the three things which need to be in place so that corporate startups survive the ‘Valley-Of-Death’ and generate business impact.
Digital Transformation at BP is Starting to Add Up to Billions
By Trent Jacobs
Living up to its new slogan ‘Beyond Petroleum’, this is a fascinating insight into BP’s digital transformation journey. This is especially interesting in light of recent protests for climate change targeting BP when they are in fact leading in so many ways that will help make the changes we all desire.
Design innovation – the Fender Stratocaster guitar
By Peter Cook
Please welcome the inimitable Peter Cook whose first piece as a Contributing Author combines 2 things dear to our hearts; Innovation and the iconic Fender Stratocaster guitar.
How to Stop Playing “Target Market Roulette”: A new addition to the Lean toolset
By Steve Blank
Steve Blank has seen many startups and innovation projects perform a painful “re-start” and difficult pivots which with more upfront thinking could have been avoided. Here he introduces a new tool – the Market Opportunity Navigator that helps to do just that.
By Scott Kirsner
“There are thorny cultural, strategic, political, and budget issues that must be confronted by CEOs and other leaders if they want to ensure that their organizations can be hospitable to — rather than hostile to — new ideas.”
Every innovation discipline has a sweet spot; don’t use them across the board
By Dr. Christian Vogt
“Which innovation disciplines corporations should establish is well understood. When to apply each discipline is not.”
Agility in practice: The swarm organization at Daimler
By Roland Deiser
Like all business, the threat of disruption is creating the need to act more swiftly and radically than ever before. Speaking to over 30 top executives about their approach to this challenge it’s clear that Daimler’s working as ‘swarms’ method has had a game-changing impact for them.
How to know if your organization implemented DevOps right?
By Philippe Abdoulaye
Is your approach to DevOps really going to impact your business or is it merely pandering to a buzzword that will keep colleagues in IT happy? Philippe Abdoulaye explains how you can tell the difference
4 Paradoxes in Agile (and Life)
By Stephanie Ockerman
A paradox is something that is seemingly absurd but really true. Stephanie Ockerman takes a look at 4 paradoxes we need to navigate in the agile world and beyond.
The Adaptive Product Manager
By Peter Kellogg-Smith
The evolving and increasing complexity of the role of Product Manager. Peter Kellogg-Smith explains that in it you’re unlikely to get bored, but if you want to be kick-ass at it, you must learn to adapt.
Why HR and Organisational Design professionals must play a key role in Digital Transformation
By Declan Kavanagh
As documented many times before, the challenges of digital transformation very often relate to leadership, personal & organisation development and so increasingly important are the roles of Human Resources and Organisation Design who can bring the alignment required to achieve most transformational ambitions.
Why Corporate Transformations Fail So Consistently (And How To Fix It)
By Greg Satell
Greg Satell shares some of the thinking in his book Cascades and explains that it is small groups, loosely connected, but united by a shared purpose that drive transformational change.
A Technology Architect’s Guide to Humans, Part One: Humans are Human
By David Knott
This is a nice article with some insights into the priorities of an incumbent banking business as it balances the need for great customer experience with security and the recognition that to get anything done well is always about the people.
Is it ethically justifiable for People Analytics to stalk employees?
By Max Blumberg
“The way we use people analytics to track the movements and behaviours of employees has alarming similarities to the way farmers monitor herds and prison officers guard their convicts.” Max Blumberg argues why “this needs to change in order to drive more positive outcomes for both employees and businesses.”
Four Types of Customer Experiences for Competitive Advantage
By Soren Kaplan
What’s the secret to a winning business model and long-term competitive advantage? It’s not just about technology, products and services. Your customer experience may just be the ultimate competitive advantage.
Customer Experience Is The New Brand Currency
By Giselle Abramovich
According to Amit Ahuja, VP of ecosystem development at Adobe, the only way to nail customer experience across touch points is by developing and implementing a sound customer experience management (CXM) strategy.
What does that mean? Where do you start?
Five Retailers Actually Doing Something About Industry Disruption
By Kaitlin Milliken and Scott Kirsner
Is there anyone left who’s still trying to deny the disruptive forces shaping the retail industry? Beyond cutting costs and closing stores the question is, how should established businesses respond to new entrants? Here are five innovative examples of retailers fighting back.
The truth about autonomy
Director of the Humans and Autonomy Lab at Duke University and one of the first female fighter pilots, professor Missy Cummings debates the current state of autonomy with Azeem Azhar. Taking a stance of techno-realism, Missy explains why we’re not even close to developing Level 5 autonomy in driving and why robotic surgery is still not safe. Many thanks to John Lewis for this one.
The Internet Becomes Us – What the “Internet of Everything” really means.
By Barry W. Enderwick
Thank you Natalie Smithson for this one: “The Internet will not be a thing, nor a place but a network for communication that is layered into our everyday existence. It will no longer just be about humans connecting with humans, it will be about objects connecting with objects and humans.
True business model lesson from Elon Musk
Here’s a true business masterclass for Elon Musk. I now get his vision; the platform model and the data advantage he has in the race for autonomous vehicles. Whether he’ll get there who’s to say, but this piece from the enigmatic visionary that is Elon Musk is certainly worth a listen. Thanks to Alessandro Braga for this one.
Driving the new industrial revolution. Building the car of your dreams.
Hackrod, Inc. shows us how to use AI and VR to design the car of your dreams using 3D Metal Printing to print most parts of the car, and IoT to collect data and make smart decisions. Thanks to Jean Luc -Scherrer for this one
Digital Transformation and Innovation; a perspective on Talent
By Tim Ellis
Inspired through discussion recently with some very notable specialists on scaling innovation, here are some thoughts on the nature of digital transformation and the talent required to achieve it.
Steady Need for Interim Talent Keeps Firms Busy and Expanding
If you’re in the market for interim talent who can offer step-change impact with your digital transformation initiatives then get in touch and we’ll help you define and connect to the talent you need.
Start-up or Scale-up
By Hutton Henry
Sometimes leaders just cannot help themselves; they have a predominant style in outlook and how they run a company. Looking closely at the data Hutton Henry and his team describe two very distinct and prominent types of leader: The Scale-Up Leader and The Start-Up Leader. Which one are you?
The First Law of Digital Innovation
By George Westerman
“Because digital transformation is more of a leadership challenge than a technical one, it’s essential to focus managerial attention on people’s desire to change and the organization’s ability to change”.
~ Elon Musk
The Transformation Orchestra: A New Framework for Digital Execution
By Michael Wade
Hear Michael Wade, Professor Innovation and Strategy at the IMD business school and co-author of ‘Orchestrating Transformation’ speak about the 8 key elements that need to be aligned and orchestrated in order to achieve success.
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