As already featured in Business Matters, Global Banking and Finance Review, Marketing and Communications News, The Marketing Blog and BDaily — The Disconnected Organisation — the need to empower our collective talent looks at the data gathered over 2015–16 from almost 4,000 international knowledge workers revealing employees are wasting valuable work hours looking for support in their roles, as they are unable to identify internal expertise from within their own organisations.
Advancements in Technology are happening daily – we’re seeing change happen at an exponential rate. As consumers, we’re living in an on-demand economy using services that meet our needs, when we need them. But the majority of organisations fail to embrace this approach and disregard the employee-centric view in favour of meeting the needs of management. The disparity between these two approaches is increasing and the workforce is changing as a result. In their 2016 study, Gallup found that 87% of employees worldwide were not engaged.
Organisations are moving towards having five generations at work and by 2020, Millennials will make up over a third of the global workforce (Manpower Group, 2016). Throughout 2015-2016 international talent solution provider ProFinda gathered data from almost 4,000 international knowledge workers revealing what is happening within our workplaces.
The aim of this white paper is to share this data and arm organisational leadership teams with a better understanding of their people’s needs. It will ensure senior leaders are better equipped to embrace new innovations, specifically around technology solutions that lead to improved business performance from higher levels of employee engagement and productivity. The main highlight from this study revealed that the most common trend and challenge facing organisations is the lack of knowledge sharing and the inability to find the right person. Although not every organisation is ready to adopt new internal technology, if there was one fundamental take away from this white paper – it would be that organisations need to focus their attention on better understanding where their value lies – with their people. If organisations continue to look top down, implementing strategies, workflows and frameworks that aid management rather than employees, then companies will remain fragmented, falling behind those who are willing to embrace a new employee-centric style of work.
Introduction Fortune favors the “ connected mind ”
Steve Johnson
Download your full copy of the White Paper, here
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