Digital Transformation should include GDPR and Ethics

Digital transformation should include GDPR and ethics

AI & Data + GDPR & Ethics = Trust based Digital Transformation. While your company delivers Digital Transformation, take measures to ensure “GDPR and Ethics” are embedded in the way data is used while creating new business models and strategies – especially where AI is concerned – to maintain trust.

“Transactions are embedded. Human activity generates data – you need consent to obtain this data (a function of trust), then put the AI and application. This is the storm and you need consent”, say Girts Berzins from Swedbank

Catharina Nes (at Datatilseyne) offers practical recommendations when purchasing and using AI-based systems:

  • Carry out a risk assessment before you start to use a system
  • Demand the system satisfies requirements for privacy by design (GDPR, art 25)
  • Test the system regularly for bias to avoid discriminatory treatment
  • Ensure you have good systems to protect the rights of data subjects, such as the right to information, to access, to deletion and to explanation
  • Functionality must include consent, which can be withdrawn
  • Establish code of conducts, ethical guidelines or a data protection panel

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As part of the Technology & Security practice at Digital Works Group, with support from key partners, I am advising clients on matters relating to Cyber Security – this includes a spectrum of services including (1) detailed risks assessments and audits, (2) awareness and training or (3) implementation of solutions that fit around your business via CxO focused consulting and advisory offerings.


If you need advice on how to proceed, get in touch.

(Inspired by Chris Skinner’s blog –

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