User Experience (UX) is at the heart of every Digital Transformation

When Pokémon go was launched, do you remember how many crazy people were randomly walking in the middle of the road, searching for poke balls and Pokémons which in turn created a record of 500 million users in just 2 months?

This Augmented Reality inspired game not only tickled everyone’s senses but showed the world what the future has in store for them. This is the kind of user experience we are dealing with today.

User experience (UX) is use of Design Thinking or practices to make software, a website, a mobile app or business application more ergonomic, accessible, intuitive and pleasant to use. Users expect more today. In their personal lives, they’re used to having easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and fun technologies at their fingertips.

In our daily life, we interact with digital assistants for reminders, finding restaurants and doing a whole lot of stuff with the likes of Siri and Google Now, because it is much easier and faster than doing it ourselves. We may not exactly be getting more technically proficient, but we have become more comfortable using our phones and tablets to download music, find the nearest movie theater or pay for our purchases.

Digital Transformation starts with the Customer in mind. A top-notch user experience is a fantastic way to keep customers involved and engaged with your brand in this digital age. It is the key element to making a difference and getting an edge over your competitors.

For a digital transformation to be successful, businesses are growing increasingly aware of the necessity to be more user-centric, be it their employees for internal systems or their customers for external-facing interfaces.

There are many criteria to creating or assessing the user experience:

  • Search – how easy it is to find the site or application
  • Consistency – does it provide the same experience across all the devices
  • Content – how intriguing is the content to keep the user glued
  • Design – is it beautiful, clean with brand enhancing visual design
  • Access – how easy is it to use and understand the app
  • Desirable – how much influence it generates on users to use the app
  • Credibility – can users trust the app
  • Usefulness – how valuable are the features and functions

A great user experience builds brand loyalty which increases customer engagement. User experience is not only about the usage of the product, it also includes communicating with users. In UX it doesn’t matter what your site or app looks like if people don’t enjoy the experience of engaging with it.

While designing UX, many designers just focus on pretty looks and features. But they need to avoid information overload, too much text, cluttered forms and keep it simple for users. They should focus on one core functionality and make it really simple for the user to access, use and become great at that functionality.

Companies that provide exceptional experiences in their products and services understand that user experience is a high level strategic value. Amazon is a great example of user experience where even reviews are rated, and they have a range of features to make the browsing and purchasing process so easy for their users and hyper-personalized.

Pokémon Go was the best user experience in mobile games so far.

As part of the Digital Transformation journey, business should foster innovative approaches and utilize new ways of user experience to interact and collaborate with customers.


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