- Size: Boutique
- Year founded: 2006
About Timmerman Analytical
Timmerman Analytical is a data mining and advanced analytics consultancy.
Its founder, Jaco Minnaar, has a career history of over 23 years, applying statistics and mathematical modeling across a diverse range of industries.
The company is a privately owned Level Four (4) B-BBEE Contributor with 100% B-BBEE procurement recognition. Since its inception in 2006 the use of multivariate modelling and optimization methodologies, beyond only sales and marketing, has been actively driven by the company.
At its core, Timmerman Analytical focuses at delivering solutions that bridge the gaps between business intuition and data insights, helping companies produce maximum value through scientific data-driven fact.
This sets us apart from many other organizations, who typically approach these services from a purely business intelligence, financial, IT, data warehousing or process management perspective.
Because of a fundamental understanding of the tools used, all energy can be focused towards efficiently creating business value. This is a critical differentiator.
Data Mining, Advanced Analytics, Process Mining, and Business Intelligence
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