Mostafa Morshedi

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Mostafa Morshedi

  • Size: Interim Consultancy
  • Year founded: 2004

About Mostafa Morshedi

A morning person, a family man, and a nature lover. Also an entrepreneur and businessman. I have founded 8 companies since 2004 (when I was 22) to 2016. Five companies are working now but three have failed due to several reasons.

During these years, besides studying business, I have experienced many challenges in different disciplines. So I had great opportunity to verify following disciplines in manufacturing, retail and service sectors: Strategic planning, HR, Finacial management, legal issues, Sales and Marketing, IT and infrastructure, manufacturing process, service design, startup, digital marketing, and leadership.

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Strategic planning, HR, Finacial management, legal issues, Sales and Marketing, IT and infrastructure, manufacturing process, service design, startup, digital marketing, and leadership.

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