Leandro Herrero

Supplier Directory

Leandro Herrero

United Kingdom
  • Year founded: 2000

About Leandro Herrero

Leandro Herrero: I am an Organisational Architect. With my exceptional global team at The Chalfont Project, personally trained, we build remarkable organizations. I have some reputation for not telling people things just because they want to hear them. I work with people with ambition, who see possibilities, who have a sense of urgency and who want to make a difference in their worlds – teams, leaders, companies, society.

Our focus of work is the creation of cutting edge organizational architectures based upon four pillars: Enabling Designs, a People Mobilizing Platform (Viral Change TM), Collective Leadership, and a set of short term Accelerators. We don’t do ‘small difference’.

In the area of people mobilisation, we create social movements. We orchestrate large scale, grassroots behavioural change providing solutions to crucial business issues, all having in common the need for a new behavioural DNA, real behavioural change at large scale. The Viral Change™ Mobilizing Platform that I have pioneered years ago, creates the conditions for permanent change-ability, to build long term capacity for change and leave a high purpose legacy. This is the platform to create and sustain social movements.

My latest books are ‘Homo Imitans, the art of social infection, Viral Change™ in action’ (2011) and ‘Viral Change (TM), the alternative to slow, painful and unsuccessful management of change in organizations’(2006, 2008). There are other 3 books ( see below)

I am also a speaker presenting to companies of any size and to major global conferences. I am a psychiatrist by background (many moons ago) and have been in hands-on leadership positions in top companies (UK, US) before creating The Chalfont Project and Viral Change™.

I write Daily Thoughts, a blog on organizational and people issues, sent every day at 08:00 am GMT via www.leandroherrero.com.

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Thought leader, Change Management.

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    Service Areas

  • Organisational Design

    Service Types

  • Thought Leader