Kvasir Analytics

Supplier Directory

Kvasir Analytics

Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Size: Boutique
  • Year founded: 2017

About Kvasir Analytics

Kvasir Analytics: Kvasir’s underlying technology is based on innovative research from some of the best minds at Cambridge University’s Computer Laboratory.

Using advanced Machine Learning, NLP and Semantic technology Kvasir’s solutions solve the problems of working with siloed unstructured data from almost any source including document archives, email, chat, and video. This allows you to search for and index relevant information easier, or Kvasir can bring you relevant information without even having to look for it.


Enterprise search

It is easy to become overloaded from the many high volume information flows that exist on the Internet. We are excited to announce KvasirA, a smart content discovery tool to help you manage this rising information flood. Traditionally, searching for related content to the document you’re reading requires you to read enough to figure out some relevant keywords, and to enter those keywords into a search engine.

Intelligent assistant

Intelligent Assistant actively monitors interactions between people to proactively provide information and assistance when they need it.

When interfacing with people, whether through a chatbot or communication tool such as Yammer, Slack, or Teams, information can be hard to find since it’s not always presented in the right way and users do not always know the right keywords or phrases to trigger accurate knowledge retrieval.

That’s where Intelligent Assistant comes in. Using Kvasir’s unique Machine Learning, NLP, and Sematic technology Intelligent Assistant is not restricted to a few random keywords. Intelligent Assistant can monitor the entire dialogue between people and make intelligent suggestions, prompts, and recommendations to guide people to the information they need to help in their decision making perhaps even before they know they need it.

Intelligent Assistant is a cloud based and uses simple API calls which mean it can easily be integrated with any chat application. And you can select which libraries to use as source information.

Intelligent Assistant dramatically saves you time and helps your business become more efficient by proactively providing the right information to the right people at the right time.



We create knowledge management solutions that provide the right information to the right people at the right time

Get in touch

Enquiries: contact@kvasira.com
Support: support@kvasira.comKvasir Analytics

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Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge Management, NLP

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