Disrupt the Chain

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Disrupt the Chain

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About Disrupt the Chain

Disrupt the Chain was born to empower direct-to-consumer leaders. Never before has the world seen such a rush to sell directly to the customer and own the entire customer journey.

With direct-to-consumer sales growing twice as fast as the rest of the online market. Disrupt the Chain gives you a pragmatic approach that delivers quick results to get the edge on your competition.

– Are you a direct-to-consumer founder looking to take your business to the next level?
– Do you know which channels to focus on?
– Do you have the right expansion strategy?
– Are you beating the competition in customer journey?
– Are you constantly caught out and surprised by your supply chain?
– As a leader are you spending too much time on day to day operations?
– Are you working with the right technology and logistics partners?
– Has your rate of growth taken away from your intended focus?
– Is your company ready for acquisition or investment?
– Are you profitable in the right areas?

For a quick analysis of your business, contact us for a chat at curious@disruptthechain.com

Enda Breslin is the Founder & CEO at Disrupt The Chain.

About Enda: 30 years’ experience as pioneer, founder and expert in European eCommerce and Retail. A unique in the industry career of successfully launching the first European web stores, founding Europe’s first eCommerce SaaS platform, launching Europe’s first secure paid downloads service, early adopter of omnichannel fulfilment and executing DNVB/DTC go-to-market strategies.


Disrupt the Chain



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Logistics, DNVB, D2C (Direct to Customer), omnichannel, supply chain, ecommerce, globalisation, and fulfilment.

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