Conduit Innovation

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Conduit Innovation

Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Size: Boutique
  • Year founded: 2016

About Conduit Innovation

CONDUIT takes a thorough 360-degree approach to optimizing the cohesiveness of your Marketing, Sales + IT operations.

We are problem solvers. We build strategies from the customer out. We take the guess work out of Sales + Marketing.

At CONDUIT, we are certain that SMARTech Convergence is the solution to today’s fragmented sales funnels, to the soaring marketing budgets and to the inability to clearly quantify marketing impact because we have already implemented it to solve these problems for our clients.

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Business Intelligence Services, Customer Acquisition + Retention Strategies, Marketing Strategy, MarTech Consulting, RFP Consulting + Vendor Sourcing, Vendor Management, Data Insights and Integrated Reporting.

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