Andrew Binns

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Andrew Binns

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

About Andrew Binns

Change Logic is focused on how established firms can successfully manage and lead disruption in their markets. We work with CEOs and senior teams as they set an ambition for the firm, develop experiments to learn how to succeed and mobilize the organization to scale new businesses.

Our work is based on the research of our founding directors, Professors Michael Tushman (Harvard Business School) and Charles O’Reilly (Stanford GSB). We apply a methodology, based on this research, that gives firms a practical approach to leading change that empowers teams and changes culture.

We have applied this approach in media, business services, technology, pharmaceutical, financial services and manufacturing companies.

Specialties: Organizational change, innovation, strategic execution, cultural transformation, ambidexterity, leadership development.

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Thought leadership, Innovation.

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    Service Areas

  • Corporate Innovation

    Service Types

  • Thought Leader